Sunday 16 October 2011


Its hard to give someone advice when they are nothing like you...
And the way I am I see as the norm
I sometimes don't realize that I am a special, maybe unique case

To be able to put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand how they feel is a give that not everyone has
How can I give advice to someone who can't do that?
That can see where the other person is coming from?
Who hasn't seen enough hell to realize what an impact is makes?

I mean it took two years, more even for others to understand what I went through how could I expect them to understand someone else now?

Fact be, everyone doesn't want to take the blame themselves and admit that they are to blame
Its just easier to say "its not my fault" "how could they say that" "I did nothing wrong"
I see fault on both sides of the line
It takes two to tango
It takes two to fight
I don't think many people can be part of a verbal fight and say they did nothing wrong
The only time its different is when one or more of the people in the fight have a mental disorder of some kind
Then it just not fair to blame them

What I've been trying to say is I don't think I'm the best person to give advice here
This time

I do have something to dedicate to the ones that are having problems right now

"Supposing we got older, supposing we began, supposing I stop running, could begin again"

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