Friday 18 May 2012

All The Things She Said

Today was a very interesting day...

First test, just as stupid as the subject...

Second test... Well at least I got my mark up by 20% that's something...

Today, Michelle decided "we needed to talk"...
My mom told me she's been pushing for this talk for a while, but my mom merely said "now is not the time".
So I looked the child right in the eye and asked her, is she sure she wants to do this, I'm going to have an opinion and something to say about it, if she's not okay to hear these things then maybe we should leave it for now.
Apparently she was fine...
And so our exactly 40 minute long talk started...
I was told not to argue with her... I didn't
I was told we had to accept something was wrong... I did...
Don't raise your voice... Blah blah blah...

Something in me clicked... I went into psychologist mode...
Maybe it was something she said, I don't know...
But there's one thing that is true in any situation, you can't argue with facts... And I have personal experience to make things better... I was armed with everything I needed to make a point and boy did I make that point.

I told her everything that happens has to do with a choice.
You have the choice whether you do something or not.
You are using your problems as an excuse, using it as a crutch.

These where things she didn't want to hear...
I have no idea what she was expecting to gain out of this chat, but it was definitely not what she got.
And she knows I'm watching her now so things are bound to become very interesting.

My mom and I predict that tomorrow morning will be fine, and then round afternoon time its suddenly going to become a "bad day".
Well... We'll see.

I think I found a place to belong for the moment.
I clicked with a new writer recently... It may not be the same as the last one, and I miss it dearly, but it'll do for now.
Its a start and better than nothing and I can accept that.
Maybe I can turn it into something close to watch I previously had if I'm lucky...

Speaking of what I previously had, maybe I should put more effort in?
I always waited for her to message me... Maybe I should message her for a change...
Yeah, I think I'll do that...
I don't want to loose what we had...
I really miss it dearly and need to keep it going, for my sake.

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